Uniform Guidelines and Requirements
The wearing of school uniform plays a vital role at all schools. The uniform contributes to a sense of belonging, identity, and self-confidence.
The Zahra Grammar uniform is one that adheres to the modest Islamic dress code and is comfortable to wear all year round. All students out of uniform need a letter from the parent stating the reason as to why the student is out of uniform.
Make-up and nail polish are NOT part of the uniform and must not be worn at school.
If a student’s hair is dyed, it must be a natural colour. For male students, hairstyles have to be conventional.
The only jewellery allowed on school grounds are watches. Religious medallions should be worn inside the shirt or top. Any other jewellery will be confiscated by the teachers and will only be returned at the end of the school term.
Uniform Shop Location
You can obtain Zahra Grammar School uniforms at the FAZ Uniform Shop.
The shop is open on Mondays from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM.
For online orders, please refer to the link provided below.